Thursday, December 27, 2007

myHarate:"Wanna peace?"

ಜೀವವ ಕೊಲುವುದು ಅಘೋರ ಕಣೊ
ಜೀವಕೆ ಮಿಡಿವದು ಜೀವ ಕಣೊ
'ಭುಟ್ಟೊ'ಇರಲಿ ಅವಳ ಕೊಂದವನಿರಲಿ
ಜೀವಕೆ ಜೀವವೆ ಸಾಟಿ ಕಣೊ

According to me no difference in a person killed Butto and ( then killed himself ) and that of Butto. If the person who killed Butto was born in my home, he might have become a doctor to serve many life than killing many Jeeva's. Its all the Society, Culture,Education, Gurus and Friends determine the personality. Unless we get good Gurus - education system wont improve.. Unless we could improve the education system - society wont improve.. Unless the society improves such Assassination will not stop.

Try to be a part in Nation building. Make sure that such people wont raise in your family. Let see if we could avoid such people from our native place later. If every youth spend some time in improving their family, and native places on the above perspective, all indian family, society will improve and we can rock with peace during 2020!!!


kdX said...


I would like to add some words...

In India, we have some freedom of rights, and above all the terrorism envelope reaches only till the newspaper. There are a few who dedicate themselves to terrorism in our beautiful country, and I feel time will heal the diversion from normal to violence.

I support the note saying that MATHA-PITHA, GURU, DEVA. Indians follow this before anything comes up in the world. We still keep up hopes!!

Jai Hind!!

Anonymous said...

Very true !

Jai Hind...